Category Archives: Disaster Recovery

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

To make your enterprise sustainable even during unforeseen disasters, the following factors should be kept in mind:

  • If you want your business to stay afloat even during emergencies, it is necessary to put a Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity plan in place to deal with any unforeseen events. Most companies do not have a plan ready for such eventualities.
  • It is necessary to have disaster recovery and business continuity software installed onto your organisational systems so that any critical situation can be handled diligently and without any hassle. These are essential business tools that introduce an emergency notification service to deal with emergency circumstances.
  • While one may be faced with unanticipated events, it becomes imperative to be prepared to deal with such situations by communicating efficiently with all employees of the organisation and managing the emergency situation effectively and without panicking.

One of the most beneficial aspects of the disaster recovery and business continuity software is that it enables the business owner to deal with a crisis situation comfortably with the help of a common dashboard incorporated in its program.

Various areas of Disaster Recovery and backup plans

The degree of businesses process resilience should decide which business would collapse and which would survive in case of any calamity – manmade or natural. Most businesses nowadays not only implement data redundancy but also business process continuity planning for business and administrative activities. We consider three distinct areas of Disaster Recovery and backup plans:

Home based business

Many home based business fail to recover from disaster because the owners simply are not prepared to deal with an unforeseen problem. Simple methods and processes can be used to avoid such a situation. Outlining a disaster preparedness plan makes sense.

Succession planning

Succession planning is the same as continuity planning. It is to identify who will take over the management and other functions of the company after a disaster.

Disaster Recovery

Planning for Disaster Recovery is essential. It is an aspect of business that cannot be ignored. These plans are essential to maintain operations and profitability. Once new hardware is ready, an online data backup can be restored in minutes.

Steps to ensure success of Risk Management Plan and Disaster Recovery

The first step of the plan should be to identify the problem or problems that could occur.

1.    The response required under a crisis should be formulated taking into account various factors.
2.    While commencing action during disaster recovery, a person or an agency should be identified to coordinate the efforts.
3.    Such a person or agency should be relieved of all other responsibilities and given the exclusive job of attending to the company’s recovery programme. Stand-by resources should also be identified.
4.    The crisis communication plan should be drafted so that it is very easy for anyone to understand and work on it.
5.    Keep all the relevant information ready to help the spokesperson to pass on immediately to relevant audience.
6.    All the records of this crisis communication plan should be made in duplicate and a copy should be stored in a safe off- site location.
7.    This crisis communication plan will have to be revisited regularly to make it more foolproof and comprehensive.

Identify the critical core component business functions

Just consider a few scenarios:

– You find your business premises vandalised and all records are destroyed;
– Your important staff members are absent and they keep extending their leave period;
– The hard drive of your computer or your server has crashed;
– You have to attend to sick members of your family and you are unable to attend the office;
– You are unable to get to your work place on account of road blocks or strike by some people;

What would you do under these circumstances? How will you communicate with your staff, customers and other people concerned during any emergency? How many days will it take for normalcy to return to your business premises if a disaster strikes?

The idea of disaster plan is to identify the critical core component business functions and protect the firm’s data, resources, people and infrastructure in the event of a disaster striking the business unexpectedly.

The process of recovery has to be undertaken by your company which has suffered the disaster, which becomes possible with a Disaster Recovery plan.

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity: essential business tools

If you want your business to stay updated with any favourable or untoward happenings across the world with an aim of being prepared for unforeseen events, you need to have disaster recovery and business continuity software installed for your organisational systems. This is necessary so that any critical situation can be handled diligently and with ease to avoid irreversible losses through timely action.

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity software are among the essential business tools that inculcate an emergency notification service to deal with emergency circumstances. While one always finds unanticipated events taking place spontaneously, it becomes imperative to stay prepared to deal with such situations by communicating efficiently with all employees of the organisation and managing the emergency effectively.

Effective disaster recovery software facilitates in retrieving messages from group members such that one can monitor the situation and understand the overall scenario with clarity.

Ensuring Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

A business continuity and disaster recovery plan needs to embrace the procedures through which employees can communicate effectively with each other, the pathway suitable for them and the method through which they can maintain the consistency in their working.

However, the details may differ from one company to another, depending on the scale, scope as well as the nature of business of a company. While for some companies issues relating to supply chain logistics are of utmost importance, some consider information technology a key component in their business plans. Accordingly firms should devise a business continuity and disaster recovery plan to suit them.

An important point is that firms cannot ignore Disaster Recovery plans to guard against damaged caused by natural elements and man-made calamities. IT and human resources cannot be developed and deployed without interacting with each other.

It should also be borne in mind that at the time of crisis many employees may have their own personal problems to be solved rather than that of the company they work for so a disaster recovery plan should bear this in mind.

Our Customers

  • ATOS
  • Age UK
  • Alliance Pharma
  • Liverpool Football Club
  • CSC
  • Centrica
  • Citizens Advice
  • City of London
  • Fujitsu
  • Government Offices
  • HCL
  • LK Bennett
  • Lambretta Clothing
  • Leicester City
  • Lloyds Register
  • Logica
  • Meadowvale
  • National Farmers Union
  • Network Rail
  • PKR

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