According to a recent research done by Storage Expo, organisations that need to store their data are facing problems on how to implement the right disaster recovery strategy. Around 83% of the business organisations are suffering from this problem. Besides this, the other important thing that was covered in this research was ensuring data security for businesses. The research covered over 252 business organisations.
The important thing that was found in this research was the management of increasing the volume of data. Centralising the data was a thing of concern for around 79% of the respondents. 77% of the organisations wanted to know how to store their data in a cost effective way.
Centralising data access was a concern for around 79% of the organisations. 68% of the organisations ensured compliance with the latest data storage legislation and knew about which regulations to comply. Achieving interoperability across existing storage solutions was an issue for around 60% of the organisations. As data storage volumes are still growing around 50% per annum, the need for efficient and effective storage architecture has grown tremendously. Online data storage and online data backup is the best solution for all these concerns.