A new Continuous Data Protection (CDP) server after initialising itself with a complete data set executes a full backup to disc. Once this is done it will at designated intervals, say every 5 minutes or every hour execute incremental backups. This is done as and when there is a change of log of email or data base system.
CDP is a highly developed backup system, which will perform backup operations only when there is an actual change in the file. The entire changed file is not backed up. This means that there will be less data on backup, helping the backup process to run faster and smoother.
More frequent backups can be performed because the overhead of each backup is reduced considerably. This increases productivity and curtails and reduces lost work. The backup frequency is greatly enhanced thus improving performance. The burden on the administrator is also greatly reduced on account of this.
The other benefit in this improved system is that the CDP products are application-and file system – consistent. Achieving business continuity through data protection is indeed crucial in successful running of a business.