Often in government agencies, responsible officers store important data in laptops, memory sticks and hard discs, thinking that these traditional methods of storing data are foolproof and cannot be lost.
Recently it has been reported that the Home Office has had data protection issues since one of its employees lost a memory stick which contained personal details of over 88,000 prisoners who are still serving time.
The ministry is terrified by this error as the prisoners might fight the government legally and demand a monetary compensation. In the past such data loss has been reported due to various reasons, one of which is theft.
Due to such repeated cases of data loss the UK government has been severely criticised. This time the Home Office has been asked by the Information Commissioner’s Office to sign an official undertaking for improving its procedures for protecting data.
Government agencies can still somehow withstand such data loss but data loss in the commercial sector can be immensely devastating and can completely flush away business. The only reliable way to avoid data loss is to maintain an online data backup which has several advantages.
Online data backup secures data against hackers and cannot be stolen. It is also a hassle free system. Online data backup is the smartest and most economic way to keep your data safe.