A new reward scheme issued by Facebook had only been running three weeks yet has already shelled out $40,000 worth of gratitude to researchers which have established bugs within their code.
Work is carried out alongside Facebook’s in-house team which work full time to identify flaws in their code.
The minimum a person can be rewarded is $500 however their has been reports of people receiving up to $5,000 for a “really good report” according to a Facebook representative.
Joe Sullivan Facebook’s chief security officer commented that the “program has been great because it has made out site more secure – by surfacing issues large and small, introducing us to novel attack vectors and helping us improve lots of corners in our code.”
The program is designed to improve security across an extremely complex technological environment and is a unique way to engage with the security research community.
Facebook has an obligations to keep security on it’s platform under the strictest scrutiny possible and has done so with relative success up until now.
“People on our site agree that our protections, coupled with common sense, provide a rigorous level of security.”