Tips For Effective Backup & Recovery Testing

When a server cannot work properly due to hard drive failure, companies call recovery service providers to restore the equipment. Downtime creates problems for companies; therefore, they want to get an immediate support. If you are unable to find an appropriate way to handle downtime, the end users’ anger will mount and their trust on your capabilities will erode. There is something more important than simple backup and disaster recovery plan to stop such frustrating situations. In other words, take your time and test your ability to recover your data before you face your clients’ wrath. For an effective cloud backup as well as recovery testing, you must know the answer to all of the relevant questions. These questions help you in getting valid information for testing your strategy.

What are the Reasons to Test?
When a service provider signs an agreement with its client, on time services is considered crucial part of the agreement. To achieve RTOs, it is necessary to perform some testing. Through testing, you will get information on how fast you can recover. When processes related to recovery are already practiced, you do not feel any difficulty while executing them in real time environment. Moreover, testing develops confidence in clients, as they get surety you will recover easily.

What are the Required Equipments and Processes to Test?
Test cloud backup and local backup plan thoroughly. However, it is far from the possibility realm to do everything within a day. You must think about essential equipments that are suitable for this infrastructure. It is a fact, each failure is dissimilar to the other. You must have some priorities while selecting equipments to test.

How to Test?
Check whether it is possible to view functions of backup image through recovery of folder and file, or change the backup into virtual machine to confirm whether it will boot up to function just like actual VM. Procedure of testing is directly proportional to selection of equipment.

Who is Accountable for Recovery Plan and Backup Testing
A well managed cloud backup company will assign one of their employees to check who, when, why, and what of testing; as it is simple to find which clients have been ignored. Do not overlook any client; and make sure all equipments are tested systematically.

When Plan was Tested & When Will Tested in Future?
Getting into detail of disaster recovery plan needs to verify maintenance records and designing spreadsheet to check what, how and when was tested, who had tested and what were the end results. Keeping information of testing record and maintenance process is highly important; therefore, prepare documents cautiously concerning what is tested and what will be the strategy to test in the future.

Do not Procrastinate
Keep in mind that testing your backups should never be done at the time when a disaster strikes. Rather, it should be planned and tested well in advance, preferably as soon as a client signs up, and also periodically there after. The more you have know-how of recovery procedures and environment, the better you will be prepared to assist clients avoid downtime. It should be the foremost preference of a confident service provider to test cloud back and all recovery plans to know about recovery in detail.

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