A rating system has been created to determine whether or not businesses are ready to take the plunge and switch one or more of their systems over to a cloud-based alternative to in-house management.
The ability to plan and assess cloud migration is believed to be of significant benefit by creator Fortify Software. The new scorecard system gives firms a simple indication as to whether or not their operations are cloud-ready.
Fortify’s Brian Chess identified a significant problem with the current perception of cloud computing amongst those business managers not involved in IT. It appears that many perceive switching to the cloud as an instant way in which to increase the security risks facing their customers’ personal data and their own intellectual property.
Mr Chess says that a lack of confidence in software platforms can result in a negative response to cloud migration. He suggests that any business that would not be happy using its current internal software platforms in the open-ended world of cloud computing should seriously consider reviewing its current data security measures.
Mr Chess is one of a growing group of experts who are in accordance that cloud computing in its various forms represents a great way in which businesses can save substantial sums. He told Infosecurity Magazine that the uptake of cloud platforms would occur from the bottom upwards, with small and medium sized firms making the switch before larger businesses and corporations.
The new cloud readiness scorecard system is far from just a passive tool. It can be used to identify potential weaknesses that will need to be addressed in order to improve data security within businesses in preparation for future migration to the cloud.
Experts from many fields are attempting to redefine the image of cloud computing, building trust with businesses looking to outsource IT systems and software platforms. It would seem that these efforts are being met with some degree of success. Initiatives such as the scorecard system can only help in persuading current sceptics that cloud computing is a safe, secure option provided that the correct steps are taken.