Be smart and opt for online data backup

There have been a number of data loss incidents in the past one year. Yet companies and organisations continue to store their valuable and important data on conventional storage devices and hardware like pen drives, hard disks, DVD’s, CD’s etc. The recent eBay scandal should serve as an eye opener that companies must change over to online backup. On the 27th of August, 2008, an employee of a bank stole the personal data of a million customers, copied it over to a hard drive and sold it on eBay.

This data was recovered later. However, if it had fallen into the wrong hands it could have seriously jeopardised 3 banks and money loss of over a million people to the tune of almost billions of pounds. Such an incident is proof enough of how easily data stored on CD’s or DVD’s could be exploited.

The solution lies in storing your data on the Internet and many companies have already started using this service. All you need is an internet connection and you are all set to go. Create an account and schedule the uploading of your data as per your requirements. The online backup and data storage software will let you know if your upload has been successful. In the even of a data loss, all you have to do is download your data and start off from where you left.

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