Defining logistics of Online Backup of Computer Data

Online backup of data is an offsite data storage in which folders, files or all the contents in the hard drive are stored in a remote server with network connectivity. During disaster recovery this offsite backup becomes very crucial for any business to spring back to life.

This system of online storage or backup of data almost practically removes the risk of data loss in case of disaster due to fire, theft or man made or natural disasters. However, continuous or periodic backup is necessary.

Thanks to online backup, data in the original computer can be easily accessed anywhere by using a PC with high-speed internet connection and a web browser interface. To ensure privacy and security, one must resort to encryption and password protection.

The easy and economical choice of many individuals and even firms is seeking back up of data with CD or DVD. Some also use tape, flash drives or the external hard drives. Many, however, do not realise that unless the stored data is kept safe offsite, the chances of losing it are very high. Remember, it is better to be safe than sorry!

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