The London Riot clean up is underway. Many businesses however will have experienced detrimental affects to their IT infrastructures.
It is essential that your business is prepared for the unpredictable. During turbulent times it is vital to have a reliable Data Backup and Recovery protocol in place.
Here are some criteria that Backup Technology have put together as a checklist to help businesses ensure their data is protected.
> Automated data backup solution which can be operated remotely:
It is essential that data can still be backed up in an automated and remote fashion when staff are unable to access an office building.
> Utilise an experienced Managed Service Provider with 24/7 availability:
When a Disaster Recovery (DR) procedure needs to be invoked it is essential that a dedicated team can be contacted immediately to begin the recovery process.
> Have a DR plan in place which meets your organisation’s critical Recovery Time Objectives:
It is essential that your DR plan is regularly tested to ensure recovery times are in place and that staff are familiar with the procedure.
> Server Recovery into standby Virtual Environment:
Servers must be recoverable into a virtual environment with secure access ensured to all global users.
> Have an established DR site for staff to work from in the event of the primary site being down:
Organisations should have a secondary site which users can work from in the event of their primary site being unavailable.