According to a new survey of IT professionals, external hackers do not have much to do with corporate data leaks. IT software and services provider Compuware commissioned a survey and found that staff are more likely responsible for data breaches at companies.
According to the survey, just one percent of data breaches at companies are caused by outside hackers. Whereas 75 per cent of cases say that it is caused by staff. Perry Carpenter who is a research director at Gartner wrote that simply trusting employees in an enterprise will prove to be detrimental to their security, business interests and risk postures.
To provide the most effective and comprehensive defence against the insider threat the enterprise has to adopt low and high tech toolsets, security awareness and a mixture of tried and trusted security practices. 80 per cent of the world’s data is stored on mainframe systems. 41 per cent of breaches occurred on mainframes which lead to serious concerns. 3,596 IT professionals were interviewed in the UK, US, Germany and France.
All of them had an average of nine years experience. Only 39 per cent of German companies suffered breaches last year. However, data breaches in the US were the maximum followed by France at 63 percent and the UK at 55 per cent. In the UK 37 per cent of the breaches were caused by malicious insiders. 63 per cent of the breaches were caused by negligent insiders and 25 per cent came from outsourcing suppliers. Online data backup and data storage is an excellent way to manage data and prevent data loss.