The Benefits of Cloud Collaboration

Cloud collaboration has in the past been generally driven for the most part by IT business users. In fact, a recent Forbes Insight survey “Collaborating in the Cloud”* sponsored by Cisco conducted a survey of more than 500 executives which revealed among other things, that most business executives felt that Cloud collaboration could benefit their business for a variety of reasons. However, Cloud collaboration is not only beneficial to IT business users, but can also benefit non-IT personnel as well and ultimately can benefit the customer.

Cloud collaboration can benefit the needs of all employees both IT personnel and non-IT personnel because it can enhance the efficiency of an organization’s communications and collaboration capabilities. This benefits all employees as well as the companies clients and customers. For instance, Cloud collaboration enables organisations to make collaborative decision-making, which involves non-IT personnel. It enables an organisation to engage and include remote and mobile employees, who might not otherwise be included as part of the decision-making process, as well as customers and suppliers. So, because of its inclusiveness, Cloud collaboration can be used by organisations as a great team and morale building tool.

Cloud Collaboration also enhances the ability of a company to distinguish themselves from the competition. In addition, it helps a company to be more flexible and innovative and helps them to streamline its decision-making process. Therefore, thanks to Cloud collaboration, companies can be more decisive and proactive which benefits them in long run. Not only will the company benefit from Cloud Collaboration, but so will the company’s customers.

Cloud Collaboration can benefit consumers because as a converged technology, it integrates voice, video, mobility and other applications, which are compatible with a variety of devices. The service can be offered as part of a cloud computing package, and since it is delivered over the cloud, it is inexpensive as there is no capital investment required, and takes no time to get it up and running. Cloud collaboration also benefits the customer because it allows businesses to collaborate more effectively with them, as well as making it easier for purchasers and suppliers to collaborate with each other by streamlining the communication process. This allows them to offer their products and services to the customer more efficiently and helps them to create more products that meet their needs.

Cloud collaboration is a win-win for everyone from IT and non-IT personnel to producers, suppliers and customers. It is an incredibly effective communication and team building tool which helps to open a world of possibilities to anyone who uses it.

* Source:

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