Today, thousands of companies are benefiting by resorting to the online backup of data.
The reason why so many companies have decided to backup their data online is because it makes complete sense to do so. Why keep data on conventional unencrypted backup devices like CD’s and DVD’s when you could store them online secure and locked away with an account accessible only to you with the help of the individual User ID and password?
If you still need reasons to decide, consider this:
Conventional methods of backup include CD’s, DVD’s, hard disks etc. such equipment requires investment, investment in terms of hardware, software and a dedicated team of engineers and employees. The cost, depending on the amount of data required to be backed up and stored turns out to be very expensive. Remote data backup, on the other hand is much less expensive and time-consuming reducing costs due to the absence of hardware, software and employees. Easy and quick, online data storage is the order of the day.
Where data stored by conventional methods is perceived to be safe inside offices and in one’s vaults, the statistics of such data being stolen are high and point towards danger. Online data storage, on the other hand, takes a lot of precautions and ensures that the data is safe. Also, obsolete software or hardware is not a problem since the data is stored online.