A recent survey by Cisco revealed some startling facts. Research showed that employees often resort to altering the security settings on their computers to enable viewing websites blocked by companies for their own personal reasons.
9% of employees in the UK were found to engage in such behaviour and other revelations included the approval of the employee to let a co worker or a family member use the system.
The survey also revealed that IT administrators are aware of this fact but they feel that such irresponsible behaviour is not the reason for data loss.
This survey presents some scary results and your valuable data could actually be susceptible to loss because of the negligence of an employee.
Data stored on hardware is always vulnerable and especially when such behaviour comes to light, even password protected data can fall prey to data theft and loss.
Traditional and conventional methods of data storage are being openly hacked into and hence the next time you want to store some data safely, do not opt for hard disks or DVD’s but log on to the internet.
Online backup is one of the best and most effective ways of managing and storing your data.
Think of online storage as an online bank where your data can remain safe, thanks to the many security layers and just like in a bank, only you, with the right username and password can access this vault. Online backup is the solution in the backdrop of so many data loss incidents.