As the technology improves, the threat to privacy and hacking of computers by unscrupulous elements also increases. In such an event it would be wise and worthwhile to install a good virus protection system in the computer and educate all employees about it.
Some small businesses do not consider it worthwhile and prudent to invest in a good backup system. They fail to take into account the fact that the data once lost may not be retrievable. But when there is vital data loss, then they realise the importance of a good server, which will not fail even during power outages.
In today’s technology driven world most of the infrastructure is run on modern technology. When a disaster strikes, it can be a colossal disaster affecting the entire set-up.
Many critical community infrastructures are run on modern technology and any damage either man made or by forces of nature can be catastrophic. It would be wise to anticipate such disasters and be prepared for any eventualities by taking precautionary measures.