We have no control over natural disasters, which are caused by natural elements or some times even man-made. Being prepared for such eventualities can mitigate the agony that we will go through during such calamities.
As in life, a business and its employees can be protected if precautionary measures are taken before the disaster occurs. Seeking insurance cover for people and machinery can be helpful in the aftermath of the disaster. For the data that will be lost, there can be no insurance. Instead, look for ways to protect the data itself through preventive measures rather than taking corrective measures.
Information on customer accounts and business data cannot be retrieved unless backed up properly. Though lost data cannot be restored, the equipment can be replaced with insurance money. The data lost cannot be retrieved through insurance. There has to be a system where the data are backed up and held in a secure place safe from fire, floods etc.
Everyone, especially those in home businesses, should make adequate arrangements for ensuring continuity of business.