It has become extremely important for Web hosting providers to give access to business houses and other clients, the data that has been stored and kept safely whenever required by the respective client at any given point of time. It can be key client information, or data needed to meet compliance regulations; it may be critical medical data or sensitive records concerning finance matters or information of national importance.
Continuous Data Protection (CDP) has been successful in giving backup support for storage vendors and service providers. This, in fact, is one of the most vital features of effective and continuous Data Protection tools and strategies. Whenever a business wants to consider data security, CDP comes into focus.
The concept and application of CDP varies from one business to another but in essence it has the ability to restore data to any point in time. The changes in the data are recorded in real time. Even if a virus strikes to affect the files or the entire system, the most recent copies can be retrieved.
The more affordable that CDP becomes; the greater number of businesses that will look to this technology for backup.