Despite the current economic climate, the growth rate of storage requirements has not slowed down. Hu Yoshida, Vice President and Chief Technical Officer of Hitachi Data Systems stated that enterprises nowadays need to choose a managed data centre that not only meets their needs, but also provides faster returns on assets and investments.
He also elaborated that one route which IT experts and professionals should investigate in 2009 is the virtualisation of external storage. He also stated that various installations were sitting on an enormous capacity, yet the utilisation of storage was currently only about 20 to 30 per cent. Mr Yoshida added that it was the virtualisation of existing assets that can help to increase and optimise storage utilisation.
Pallavi Kathuria, Group Director of Microsoft India stated that virtualisation of existing assets can make the process of remote backup and disaster recovery extremely simple. She said that the facility involves the separation of one computing resource from another, simplifying change management and enabling greater flexibility.