According to PwC’s Private Company Trendsetter Barometer security is currently the number one IT priority.
Cloud Computing was ranked in fifth place on the list of “areas of likely IT investment” with areas such as “next generation data management & analysis,” “enterprise mobility” and “social media/networking” ranking ahead.
An obvious link exists here with many still holding huge reservations with regards to trusting external providers.
“There still exists a level of concern over the cloud” according to the Chief Research Officer at IDC Crawford del Prete.
Another recent report conducted by the Ponemon institure in California indicated that just 33% of the 1000 IT professionals surveyed trusted Cloud Hosting data centres.
It is difficult to calculate the damage that hacking groups are doing to the growth of Cloud Computing as a sector. With every headlining attack such as that on Sony earlier this year many companies are beginning to shy away from entrusting their data to Cloud providers, and for good reason.
“If we pick a vendor to host our stuff, are they going to have the same maturity, the right service levels, the ability to pay the same amount of attention as we do to our environment today?” suggested Richard Scott, CTO at Guardian Life Insurance Company.
Policing the cyber landscape is extremely difficult and there are many out there simply looking for the next opportunity to hack, defraud and steal.
The new focus on security is not being missed and companies such as BAE Systems are noticing a huge surge of interest with private companies being the main point of focus according to Martin Sutherland, managing director of Detica (BAE’s cyber security division).