All posts by Callum Huddlestone

Five Points to an Improved Backups

It is a well documented fact that backups fail at times even though they are considered critical for business continuity. Such failures happen when companies fail to keep a copy of the data outside in an offsite, remote location, away from the current network. IT admins and managers could avoid such issues with carefully pre-defined planning.

Frequent Backup Test

It is very common to find out that backups that are performed seemingly with out error messages, but later end up being unreadable when it is time to recover the data. Test the backup systems frequently in order make sure that backups are happening without any issues.

Test the files, folders, systems and servers regularly. You can run the backup tests once a week for a randomly chosen single file, once a month for a random directory and yearly for servers. Companies using multiple backup locations (for instance, cloud backup and appliance based, etc.) are required to test both systems, in the cloud and onsite.

Use Updated Technology

Newer backup technologies are always being developed; the newer versions are getting better and better and while the costs remain fair and reasonable. It is very important for the users to communicate with their service providers in order to learn about the backup servers, systems and networks. This will give the users an opportunity to avoid problems in data encryption and recovery. IT managers may utilise some applications like deduplication to reduce file sizes.

Deduplication is a well known process that helps to create duplicates of files with smaller size. This process is also effective because it enables the system to capture more snapshots in less time. It also further reduces the time period between snapshots.

Apply Systematic Incremental Backups

Older backup servers and systems may utilise full backups on a weekly basis; while daily incremental backups happening every night. This strategy is useful because it enables the system to update the data every night, without losing the files. However, it is necessary to ensure that data saved will be recovered in the original form, without any corruption, making sure that incremental backup is performed. New applications can consolidate each and every incremental backup into the full backup so that backups can be restored in only one operation.

Try Snapshots & Replication

These systems are considered more helpful for the enterprises because of the high level of redundancy, speedy backup creation, data protection, and data recovery. The users can easily develop multiple backup folders with the help of snapshots taken from the systems containing different types of files and folders. These snapshots should be preserved in prescribed systems in order to create the backups. It is also important to run the recovery tests after short intervals.

Prefer the Self-Service Portals

The need for data recovery arises mostly due to human error. Most users tend to restore data by themselves with out the need of an IT admin. This means, less admin intervention is needed. Develop a portal that allows restoring all types of files or folders from the networks and systems. The self-restoring portals have become very important for this purpose. These portals typically only allow the users to restore data (without changing or deleting them), thereby, providing do-it-yourself self-service with minimal risk.

Handling Data Explosion Intelligently

Small and medium sized enterprises are experiencing a rapid increase in unstructured and structured data. SMEs are interested to find effective ways for data backup, easy access and data recovery, without investing a considerable amount of time and money. To manage data storage successfully, companies should understand the value of their data and reduce the cost that is spent for compliance risk, data loss and ineffective backup system.

Data Awareness

Most of the businesses do not have an idea of their data and when it is required to be accessed. They assume that every and all types of data need to be retained, which is an expensive and time consuming process. Thus, SMEs must classify data for better protection. Moreover, value of data type should be established to understand the impact of data (loss) on the business.

Managing structured data held in databases, record systems, and spreadsheets is quite an easier task; however managing unstructured data (social media, voice, images and emails) can cause a lot of problems. It is estimated that 80% of organisations’ data is in fact unstructured data. Consequently, such unstructured data makes it difficult to search, utilise and manage – whether it relates to recovery tasks, search, access or compliance.

Small and medium sized companies need to create an IT policy in order to understand different data sources. This is based on classifying data through business unit, to create an insight into data location, type and nature. It will help in finding the relevant sources of data in centralised and consistent way. Better backup policies could be applied based on the acquired knowledge. For instance, a company does not need to make backup of all files if data is related to music files, photos and videos. Therefore, a new policy could be introduced to delete, exclude or move such data.

Data Management Policy

From operational and compliance perspectives, loss of data can cause serious damages. To avoid data loss, companies need to have a particular backup system that has the capability to copy all information on given network. Data management system must establish a checklist to verify whether the recently updated or transferred data is copied or not.

To make certain that restored data is accurate, companies can test the system on trial basis by restoring data from the backup sets. Besides, all the shares and drives need to be checked regularly.

SMEs should make sure that valuable backups are saved at a distant place, outside of the company’s building, using cloud backup solution. The procedure should be as easy as backing up on storage devices, which are transported to an offsite location or using automated cloud backup solution.

Store all data in the company network, making it easier for access. In case, data is saved in a local workstation, it cannot be accessed by others, as a result, the information could be lost if the computer crashes. To avoid the loss of information, ensure that protocol is being followed to save data in the network, using a system to allow read only access to users.

To apply cost-efficient storage solution, companies should transfer less frequently used and old data to lower cost network storage. Get rid of data that is not required or needed to be accessed. Besides, users should be trained to delete unrelated to company business, personal files, especially large media files should be removed from databases, mailboxes and emails.

By removing duplicate files and selecting current file versions, up to 30% of space could be saved. Apply the best technology and appropriate backup processes to fulfill storage requirements.

Factors Affecting Backup Consolidation of Laptops, Servers and Endpoints

IT managers want to consolidate backups.  They try to bring this project to CIO’s attention at times by writing a reminder on the IT’s whiteboard every year, especially during budget approval. The purpose of this backup consolidation is simple: protection of the data while increasing the speed of data recovery and storage process and reducing costs. However, most of the efforts related to backup consolidation have not been successful, as data continually changes in the organisation. As a result, most of the small to medium sized enterprises have given up hope of utilizing CIO a single consolidated backup solution.

There are numerous problems in data consolidation process especially the lack of a single dominated solution. The data protection system fragments when users implement applications. Nowadays, Cloud is the only remaining hope for the SMEs. Cloud has brought us bespoke services, ensuring the data protection requirements. SMEs are beginning to appreciate the value of the cloud; it has now matured and has evolved into disaster recovery and long term archival in addition to basic backups and data protection. Let us discuss additional points on how cloud backup can help the SMEs to implement useful data protection strategies.

Elements of Change:

The very first thing in the process of consolidation is the historical information about previous fragmentation. Recent technologies have brought several changes in this area.

Following things have forced the IT departments to invent new solutions for data consolidation:

  • Rapid data growth;
  • Home/remote offices;
  • Cloud-based applications;
  • Demand for faster recovery;
  • Increased workforce mobility;
  • Desktop and server vitalisation.

Specialized Applications:

Most companies have got their specialized data recovery options, but they will need to have a single solution if they want to utilize data consolidation. For instance, it would not be a good decision to recover thousands of emails when a few emails are lost.  This is why the email database backup and recovery system must know how to recover the desired emails in less time. Modern and specialized backup applications are more useful to generate such results.

The Mobile Workforce:

Today, the Internet has enabled the widespread adoption of “work from home”.  A vast number of people are telecommuting, and at times are referred as mobile workforce. Such initiatives save commuting time, reduce Carbon footprint, encourages green thinking, and saves money, and office real estate. Mobile workforce can access data in a network from office or any place with the help of an Internet connection. All this has completely changed the network reach assumed by traditional backup service providers.

Mobile workers usually use laptops, which are not usually protected. If protected at all, it would be done using separate backup solutions. With the proliferation of Smartphones and tablets, a typical mobile worker now has at least three devices — each of which creates data — which are prone to theft and loss. Mobile data has become important and it always needs to be protected. This can be done with the help of specialized data backup option, such as Asigra’s agent less solution.

Consolidation Requirements:

To make backup consolidation successful, it is required to match with modern IT architecture. Following steps will be required for this purpose:

  • Consolidation should be extensible for innovative dedicated applications. This will help the IT departments to make changes in future in order to create compatibility.
  • The IT applications should work in all types of environments (high or low bandwidth connectivity). This will enable the system to continue backup process from any source.
  • It should be efficient to utilize Internet in order to create backups. This will be good if devices or systems are being used outside the area of local network or administrator.
  • It should recover data quickly, allowing a variety of recovery point and recovery time objectives, with minimal data movement, block data transfer, across LAN and WAN.

Will the Cloud Consolidate Backup Easily?

It leads therefore that the cloud will be able to consolidate backup without any problem. As a matter of fact, cloud has a natural backup system enabling it to work worldwide with various applications. It has excellent tendency to work with low or high bandwidth connection, different computing gadgets, Smartphones and networks.

Should Financial Stability of Cloud Service Providers be a Big Factor in the Selection Process?

Last year, Gartner predicted that we’ll get to a tipping point in the early 2018 when conventional data centres will not fulfil the requirements of “digital business”. They have also predicted that a long-term price conflict among the main cloud service providers such as Amazon AWS, Google and Microsoft Azure. It seems that companies are willing to lose money to secure a slice of the market share.

Taking the Plunge:

Businesses of all sizes are shifting to the cloud, however, it is not a mega-migration move. A steady and stable, incremental replacement of traditional data centre-based apps, along with cloud-based infrastructure and cloud-based communications to operate those applications that are not included as a part of service.

The speed of this change depends on on the potential for expense savings in the cloud, and on the “last mile”, which is the effort needed to make that move. However, risk is another big factor because data loss could happen when moving to the cloud with a not well planned migration.

Cloud Risks:

In the past, there was a few apprehension about the reliability of cloud infrastructure. In my opinion, cloud has gained excellent level of trust.  Financial stability of a cloud service provider has become a big factor.  In recent reports, behemoth Amazon reported loss from cloud services due to “aggressive investments”. Amazon’s deep pockets can absorb such losses, and it will not go out of business any time soon.  However, it can not continue to loss forever, and might increase the service fees dramatically.

Cloud Backup:

Remember, cloud backup is not just backing up your data in the cloud, but it is about protection of data that is already present in the cloud. It also means that the original data can be pulled back to the local data centre.

Avoiding Data Theft:

Cloud backup services help you avoid data theft. Companies are more serious in the matter of data protection. They need a storage and storage processes that ensure no data loss. Companies can use data archiving services as another way to store valuable information, preventing theft.  Data is archived permanently. Archiving frees up real-time storage space.  As such, companies can guarantee the accuracy of the information and archived data ensures a reliable long-term storage option.

Choosing Service Provider:

Companies must check the cloud service providers before choosing them. Customers face problems when their service providers change the backup options.  Such companies should be avoided.

Data Recovery Issues:

Recovery of the original files from storage service is very important. Users are also concerned about the health of files when these are recovered from the backup services. The backup facility should allow the customers to retrieve the original files without any damage. Different types of cloud backup services can be used to prevent data loss during storage and recovery process.

Increasing Backup and Storage Capacity of Mobility Drives

The production and development of variety of mobile devices has given many benefits to businesses. From multinational companies having offices in different regions to local entrepreneurs, who visit clients on individual basis — mobility has become trendy; and has contributed to drastic changes in the way we do business.

Smartphone, tablets and laptops are the most compact devices that are designed to work regardless of time and location. These devices have full-time connectivity feature that is why the consumers remain always in contact just by pressing a single button. It is true, the mobility of these devices is highly beneficial, but it requires an effective storage solution for data protection and backup.

Mobile devices offer limited storage. This can be problematic when users need to keep bulk of data. While working through multiple devices, users need to get access to required documentation and information from all devices with synchronised and consolidated content. Similarly, the consumers have preference to have access and share content irrespective of location. Contrarily, the mobile devices are fragile and susceptible to theft, which means you must have a reliable system for data backup and protection.

One of the easiest ways to overcome such issue is to use Direct Attached Storage (DAS) which is also known as external hard drive. It is considered reasonably priced option when customers need to increase storage capacity and an effective way out for backup. Portable solutions are mostly used for desktops. There are other solutions that need automatic software for backup. Instead of saving data manually, the process is carried out by automatic software.

Today’s world is interconnected, therefore, cannot rely on basic DAS solutions for data backup and data storage. Most of the users demand centralised system so that they get access to files and share instantly from remote places. It is the reason why people have selected cloud solutions. As compared to DAS drive, data can be easily accessed through tablets, Smartphone and laptops. Having data in a central location is very convenient and allows sorting out the contents by required folders to use or share the information.

Network Attached Storage (NAS) is an alternative that is perfect for small and medium sized businesses. In the past, NAS solutions were only suitable for large enterprises, however, as storage costs dropped, NAS have been rolled out to small and medium businesses and consumers at reasonable rates. NAS systems come with many hard drive bays that fulfil the storage needs of any business. Bays can be customised to accept up to 24 TB or more. Furthermore, it is possible to configure NAS solutions in various formats such as RAID that gives more redundancy and data protection. File access and sharing level is also enabled by functionality of file server.

As the need to use storage solutions is growing significantly, resellers are in favourable position to offer their services. For instance, NAS solution is provided to customers who need consolidated and centralised storage. Moreover, this solution gives data sharing and data redundancy. NAS solution is best for customers who need bulk of storage like, photographers. On the other hand, DAS solutions can be selected by laptop users.

Whichever option you decide to use to backup your data, it is important to note that while on premises backup is better than no backup at all, it is best to backup your data using a cloud backup solution. Backup Technology is here.

Managing Data on Mobile Devices in Today’s Mobile World

Consider the statistics on mobile devices! Almost three quarters of your enterprise data is being created in different mobile settings, which include laptops and mobile devices like smartphones. Your employees might be out of the office selling your products, talking to your clients, repairing damaged equipment, digging up roads, attending seminars, or marketing your products. Although, such services of your employees to your company may offer you more competitive advantages, it is important for you to know that these employees may have a limited knowledge Information Technology (IT), and also they are certainly not experts when it comes to IT security. However, your company is putting security services into the hand of such people. Are you really sure you will be able to manage all of the mobile devices in your company, especially, in this mobile crazy world? Don’t you want to make a decisive action give such circumstances?

Cloud computing automates mobile device management and in turn it automates business processes, including businesses at remote sites. Your company can establish a dependable mobile device management system that can offer secure control of your mobile data, applications and devices without compromising the freedom available for the workforce simply by moving over to the cloud based computing services. Cloud services will lead to automatic definition of protocols; and they also enforce steps that help to manage and secure mobile assets, as well as implement answers that pro-actively control, protect mobile objects and enhance competency, client services, and eventually productivity.

For management of mobile devices, cloud computing services are organized with great, dynamic solutions for mobility management. There is reduction in the complexity due to the abstraction of the backup infrastructures and connectivity. The companies will be able to take full advantages of mobility and provide mobility devices with the help of software applications. Simply by reducing connection time, mobile workers that are connected to the cloud can increase facing time of the customer. In addition, they can easily deliver the correct amount of information at the appropriate time on their reliable devices. Just as the desktops in the office are being supported so the mobile devices will also be supported due to the fact that the entire data mobile devices, applications and data will be managed from a single console. The administrator at the head office of enterprise will remain the one to handle security issues.

Top notch cloud based management solutions will respond to the changes in the condition of the device. There are a number of parameters being monitored by the software, and some of them include: files, folders, memory, settings in the registry for the purpose of making changes and backup process triggers. There may be need for launching of precise applications
whenever the users either signs in or logs-out; the information of the user can easily be formed and saved to the core server so as to be able to trace the activity of the user or even when top secret folders and files are written to the external cards or passed on to other devices. Some of the applications that are available for offer with mobile management services that based in the cloud are: Optimization of bandwidth, scheduling, prioritization, management of connection, asset control, remote control, inventory control, license control, application control, and software distributions.

Mobile management tools that are based in the cloud may be of help to your company when it comes to management and protection of mobile devices in the entire company. Enterprise grade cloud solutions are:
• Highly flexible,
• Easily scalable, and
• Quickly measurable.
In short, enterprise grade cloud solutions are are Internet based applications which can easily be configured to the particular needs of your company.

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