Tag Archives: Data Protection

Data Security Penalties set to rise

Those companies which fail to adequately protect their data could risk incurring serious financial penalties if new legislation is brought to bear.

The maximum fine for failing to adhere to rules laid out by the Data Protection act may be raised to £500,000.

The Ministry of Justice has unveiled a consultation paper which broke the news that CMPs (Civil Monetary Penalties) will be set to rise in order to improve data security and put an end to the culture of complacency.

Under the current rules, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is required to successfully prosecute a firm in order to impose a fine. Even with a successful court case the maximum amount payable by the guilty party is £5000, which many do not consider to represent an adequate deterrent.

When the consultation period ends on the 21st of December those involved will be required to submit their views on the proposal of the half a million pounds fine. The respondents will be considering evidence presented to them in the consultation, which has been titled ‘Civil Monetary Penalties: Setting the maximum penalty’

A government spokesperson indicated that the aim of the new rules would be to ensure that businesses take responsibility for the security of their data. It was also emphasised that businesses would be required to adhere to the legal requirements of information handling more thoroughly than in the past with the increased financial penalties acting as a preventative incentive.

The news that the financial penalties for data security negligence are increasing has arrived shortly after it emerged that the ICO would be seeking to create the option of custodial sentences in addition to fines.

Experts who heard Information Commissioner Christopher Graham’s proposals were generally in favour of harsher sentencing for the most severe incidences. With both public and private sector organisations suffering security breaches and data loss or theft it seems to many that the most sensible root to take is one of robust legislation and increased industry awareness.

Many will be interested to see whether the proposals are considered to be adequate, excessive or overly lenient. With millions of pieces of personal information stolen or destroyed annually, even tougher measures could be imposed in the future.

The advantages of using online data backup services

Using online data backup solutions is one way of keeping your data base secure in a cost effective way.

Today there are many online data backup service providers who are just a click away. All you need to do is find out a reliable data backup service provider and register with it. These services are completely automated and hassle free. But before you opt for any company’s services, research about their reputation to ensure better protection for your database.

Some of the advantages of using online data backup services are discussed below.

Data Protection
Online data backup service providers store your data offsite on the internet so it is completely safe from hackers. As the data is stored online, there is no risk of it being lost or damaged under any circumstances. Only the person having the user name and password can access the stored data.

24/7 Accessibility
Online data backup services are accessible any time of the day and any day of the month. You do not need to go anywhere to access a data file. All you need is a computer and you can access your data any time.

Easy and quick to locate any data
The navigation system offered by the online data backup services enable you to find out any data file in a flash.

Easy sharing options
With online data backup services you can share data with anybody easily, without any trouble.

Due to all these advantages online data backup is becoming increasingly preferred by people who have to maintain a database.

Features of effective and continuous Data Protection tools

It has become extremely important for Web hosting providers to give access to business houses and other clients, the data that has been stored and kept safely whenever required by the respective client at any given point of time. It can be key client information, or data needed to meet compliance regulations; it may be critical medical data or sensitive records concerning finance matters or information of national importance.

Continuous Data Protection (CDP) has been successful in giving backup support for storage vendors and service providers. This, in fact, is one of the most vital features of effective and continuous Data Protection tools and strategies. Whenever a business wants to consider data security, CDP comes into focus.

The concept and application of CDP varies from one business to another but in essence it has the ability to restore data to any point in time. The changes in the data are recorded in real time. Even if a virus strikes to affect the files or the entire system, the most recent copies can be retrieved.

The more affordable that CDP becomes; the greater number of businesses that will look to this technology for backup.

Selecting the right service provider holds key to data protection

It is always advisable and prudent to secure your data through proper back up and move it offsite. It should be stored offsite so that it can be easily accessed whenever the previous or present data is required.

While restoring the backed up data or while working on such data, the purpose of the exercise should be restoration of data only, because some times the change made by one user may delete some data useful for another user.

Nowadays, there are several trustworthy and highly dependable companies you can approach to secure your backup and ensure recovery of vital information whenever necessary. Several avenues for off site server storage, replication of data centres and other ideas are readily available.

Before you engage a service provider for the task of Data Protection, you need to check the firm’s track record. Talk to its existing clients and find out about the quality of their services and infrastructure, such as availability of highly secure locations for backups, proper facilities and adequate servers for safe keeping of data.

Achieving Business Continuity through Data Protection

A new Continuous Data Protection (CDP) server after initialising itself with a complete data set executes a full backup to disc. Once this is done it will at designated intervals, say every 5 minutes or every hour execute incremental backups. This is done as and when there is a change of log of email or data base system.

CDP is a highly developed backup system, which will perform backup operations only when there is an actual change in the file. The entire changed file is not backed up. This means that there will be less data on backup, helping the backup process to run faster and smoother.

More frequent backups can be performed because the overhead of each backup is reduced considerably. This increases productivity and curtails and reduces lost work. The backup frequency is greatly enhanced thus improving performance. The burden on the administrator is also greatly reduced on account of this.

The other benefit in this improved system is that the CDP products are application-and file system – consistent. Achieving business continuity through data protection is indeed crucial in successful running of a business.

Our Customers

  • ATOS
  • Age UK
  • Alliance Pharma
  • Liverpool Football Club
  • CSC
  • Centrica
  • Citizens Advice
  • City of London
  • Fujitsu
  • Government Offices
  • HCL
  • LK Bennett
  • Lambretta Clothing
  • Leicester City
  • Lloyds Register
  • Logica
  • Meadowvale
  • National Farmers Union
  • Network Rail
  • PKR

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