Tag Archives: Desktop Virtualisation

Adoption of virtualisation is set to increase in 2011

Experts in the field have predicted a big rise in both server and Desktop Virtualisation technologies in coming years as businesses try to gain efficiency and optimise their computing facilities. Gartner in particular predict that Server Virtualisation will have a comparable impact on business to that of the advent of e-commerce, and that the concept is completely re-forging IT operations.

According to research tech firm IDC, 2010 has been was the first year whereby over half of all applications were installed on a virtual machine. Despite this 2010 is seen by many as the pilot period, while 2011 is predicted to be the year of mass implementation. By 2014 it is thought that 23% of all servers shipped worldwide will support Virtualisation upon installation.

All in all Virtualisation applications will amount to a $19.3 billion industry by 2014.  Despite the global economic down turn creating havoc within the majority of IT markets, demand continues to rise for Virtualisation technologies. Desktop virtualisation is becoming increasingly recognised as a superb way to reduce IT cost, empower employees and increase enterprise productivity. With few servers requiring maintenance IT teams can now concentrate on innovation rather then maintenance.

The advantages of Virtualisation are clear and as Microsoft emphasise adopters in the mid-market can benefit from the same economies of scale that the big players can. An added benefit is that Data centre and storage Virtualisation allows clients to take advantage of geographical variations in energy pricing.

Soaring VMware profits are testament to the uptake of Virtualisation and in their last quarter report the company claimed a 46% increase in revenue. Furthermore VMware is making additional revenue from rising sales in areas such as Cloud Computing

When considering the future of Desktop virtualisation it is crucial to consider the impact that personalised devices such as the Ipad are having. IT service providers are increasingly being forced to cater for such devices, providing a huge boost to the Desktop Virtualisation market. It is now becoming a reality to manage a secure corporate environment on a personal device and this is a trend we continue to observe in the New Year.

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