Tag Archives: SQL

Rapid reaction to close security vulnerability on Yahoo jobs site

The Chief Technology Officer at security firm Imperva has revealed details about a potential weakness within the Yahoo Jobs website, which could have been exploited by cybercriminals to extract customer information. The Israel-based company discovered the vulnerability after monitoring discussions on a criminal forum and Yahoo was quick to plug the gap before serious data theft occurred.

Imperva’s Amichai Shulman outlined the basics of the issue, stating that in essence the hole could be exploited using a method similar to an SQL injection attack. In this case a technique known as blind SQLi would have been used to access personal details and financial information of thousands of Yahoo Jobs users. Continue reading

Online data backup – Reliable, affordable and hassle free

Online data backup is the service that provides users an online system for backing up and storing computer data. Online data storage companies offer a service that allows users to backup any data they want over the internet.

Online data backup is often built around a client software program, which runs on schedule once a day or week depending upon the user’s requirements. High-end LAN-based data backup systems offer services such as real time file replication and open file backup. Online data companies provide simple, automated and secure method of protecting crucial data. It is aimed at individuals who have simple data such as music files, pictures etc. and businesses with complex databases like Microsoft Access and SQL etc.

Online data backup offers the following advantages:

  • It is hassle free, the backup process runs automatically
  • It minimises your downtime in case of data loss and restores your files faster.
  • With online data backup, you eliminate the costs of buying tape and zip drives
  • Online data backup supports multiple file versions that allow earlier work to be recovered.
  • In online data backup, only changes are sent that result in efficient and non- disruptive backup.
  • You can protect your PCs, laptops, network data and system files with one solution.

Open file backup
The ability to back up files which are extensively used, including Outlook information and SQL databases. This service allows IT administrators to run a back up at any point in time.

A multi-platform backup service supports backups from multiple platforms including Window, Macintosh, Linux / UNIX.

What is Online Backup?

What is online backup? Why is it so popular? Why are more and more organisations opting for online backup? Is it much safer than traditional data storing devices? Well all these questions pop-up while hiring an online backup agency. No doubt, the business world has realised the immense benefits of online backup.

Online backup is a medium of protecting vital business and enterprise data. Online backup services are far better than unreliable and time consuming traditional backup mediums. In fact, online backup devices are fast replacing traditional modes with fully automated, reliable and scalable secure offsite backups.

Highly secure data centres store critical data and can be restored 24 hours a day. The best part of it all is that support is provided to the various operating systems. Plus as a customer, you get full support for all common email and database formats such as Exchange, Lotus Notes, Groupwise, SQL, Oracle and DB2.

Online backup technology helps even with unlimited growth of your data. Online backup solutions help protect huge data files so you need not worry about the scale of data saving operations.

Our Customers

  • ATOS
  • Age UK
  • Alliance Pharma
  • Liverpool Football Club
  • CSC
  • Centrica
  • Citizens Advice
  • City of London
  • Fujitsu
  • Government Offices
  • HCL
  • LK Bennett
  • Lambretta Clothing
  • Leicester City
  • Lloyds Register
  • Logica
  • Meadowvale
  • National Farmers Union
  • Network Rail
  • PKR

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