All posts by Rob Mackle

Standardization: All-inclusive Backup Solution for Disaster Recovery

It is the basic need of all businesses to have verified and reliable backup plan. When each and every minute of downtime affects on business continuity and brings closer to disruption, it makes clear that company needs more than a simple backup plan for data protection.

Some companies purchase a variety of software from various sellers to design backup system. One product is used for virtual machines, others for servers and databases. When an organization has various backup applications, it requires multiple systems with specific features to handle backup plans. With the passage of time, lack of consistency makes it complicated to find out how processes, applications and mission-critical data are reported across the organization. Unnoticed incompatibilities in such vendor systems make backup attempts unsuccessful when disaster strikes. Standardization is the only solution to nip these problems in the bud.

Role of Standardization
Standardization is considered as all in one reliable solution for disaster recovery. Instead of keeping a number of individual applications, use software integrated tool that has the capability to consolidate your requirements for data protection in one platform. IT system providers offer fully compact solution by combining infrastructure, software and hardware to optimize disaster recovery operations and backups in an integrated way. There are many persuasive benefits of standardization approach:

Quick Recovery Process: For business continuity, standardized backup as well as recovery processes are selected. Consistent structure of backup and recovery extends across the data centre and assist in eliminating upcoming roadblocks throughout recovery procedures. Disastrous components (in the form of servers or software) are swapped out through their replacements.

Incorporated Power: Though standardization is perfect for simplification and centralization, it gives reliable outcome for data protection as well. Administrators are always in search of tools that can help them handle significant disaster recovery components. As they are fully equipped with standardized solutions, administrators are able to systematize virtual backups, make schedule of incremental backups, and design policies for data protection. Backups are designed to eliminate data loss and to make recovery of data certain.

Central Control: An IT admin may handle up to three backup systems having various options, controls, interfaces and settings. In centralized system, everything is present at one platform. Therefore, IT administrators can save time and work effectively to manage recovery options and backup to operate databases, virtual environment, and operating systems through a single tool.

Within Budget Approach: Disaster recovery approach seems more engaging when it is offered at reasonable rates. MSPs offer considerable upfront investments by leveraging the “pay-as-you-go” cloud cost model. Additional savings can be obtained through discount pricing to provide companies suitable deals so that they can support more devices.

When IT providers are able to regulate disaster recovery effectively, they will be prepared to get additional market shares in newer trends, such as virtualization, cloud computing, and data breaches.

Key Points to Convince Clients for Software and Hardware Upgrades

Microsoft declared that Windows Server 2003 will get to an end on 14th July 2015. Expected date is over now, but Server 2003 is working perfectly and the challenge created by this software in different IT rooms is related to the challenge MSPs have to face while persuading customers to upgrade technology. It is necessary that old hardware and software should be improved on timely basis. Here are some selling points, which can help service providers convince clients to upgrade their technology:

Security is a Challenge
Due to security reasons, Server 2003 was conferring as time bomb. Microsoft has introduced no patches for 2003 Server, therefore, system will no longer be protected from Trojans, viruses, and data breaches. Though Server 2003 is still able to work, the use of unsupported software keeps all important data at risk. Remember that it is better to spend small amount on software and hardware upgrade than to suffer a serious data breach.

Easy to Avoid Failure
Generally, all moving parts of machines are prone to malfunctioning. In other words, whatever is connected to network is open to failure. Hard drives are the most vulnerable part of the hardware. It is the reason why most companies change hard drives and fundamental components to reduce the chances of failure. When hardware is upgraded at a suitable time, it minimizes annoyance for clients and service providers.

Productivity of Upgraded Technology
Though old components can work, they can create problems. Selection of new tools means you can get additional power to boost up. When graphics, memory, and video cards will be upgraded, the end result will be received in the form of highly responsive system, where users are able to carry on multi-tasks without any issue. In addition, software upgrades give access to latest tools and features so that IT users can work more professionally. For MSPs, productivity is crucial factor and basic selling point that compels clients to use upgraded technology.

Competitive Role of Companies
In business world, computers are excessively used and considered as moral fiber of production. Computers improve company’s reputation when these are used for server management, networking, and desktop virtualization. To flourish your business, it is necessary to have an updated IT based environment, with no threats of viruses, and data breaches. Moreover, upgraded system supports a business to dominate in competitive market.

How to Plan for System Upgrade?
Many clients do not show any interest to switch over to latest technology. When their attention is focused on issues, such as compliance standards, productivity level, and data breaches, they understand the importance of hardware and software transition. It is the responsibility of service providers to make the system upgrade process hassle-free for clients by planning smooth migration. MSPs must have the list of systems that need to be upgraded, and determine the perfect time for transition. There must be a well laid plan to check what will be upgraded, when to upgrade, and what amount of budget to allocate in order to perform these upgrades. If your transition plan is revised after four years, it will keep software and hardware up to date.

How a Cloud Can Cover Needs Of Healthcare Industry?

Whenever data breaches or breakdown of cloud system occur, concerning people assume that the cloud is an insecure way of keeping bulk of data. Propensity of cloud system for breach does not let companies to rely on this system for hyper sensitive data. Fact is that, each cloud is developed with some specific purposes. There are cloud systems that are developed to handle important and sensitive information only. If you assume cloud cannot protect sensitive data from breaches, the reality is far from your assumption. For data protection, it is ridiculous to avoid the cloud; in fact, it is a matter of searching the right cloud to meet your needs.

You may have some know how about the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA); if not, you must be familiar with the word HIPAA. Basically, HIPAA is a sequence of codes that are responsible for formation, transmission as well as access of ePHI (electronic protected health information). Basic purpose of HIPAA is to keep important information of patients safe. As far as HIPAA compliance is concerned, healthcare providers are required to check data protection system and cloud is considered as fast and affordable method to address specific needs. For an IT provider, it is necessary to understand HIPAA requirements if they plan to serve the healthcare industry.

Protection & Access
It is simple to keep copies of data and transfer duplicate data to the cloud. The question arises, how valuable information will be protected from data breaches? What are the safety measures to keep information safe offline? Covered entities are liable to restrict physical access and make sure that information is encrypted in motion and at rest. It is absurd to think all clouds give same functionality. Always search for a provider that permits to encrypt information onsite. Data center selected for the protection of ePHI must give digital, as well as, physical safeguards to avoid unauthorized access.

System for Backup and Data Recovery
According to CFR 164.308, all covered entities must have backup, as well as, recovery plan in case of a disaster. In this regard, the cloud gives an advantage in the form of data protection, as offsite backup data is easy to recover when something unexpected happens with the onsite data backups. Additionally, many clouds are developed for fast recovery that is the foremost requirement of HIPAA. In addition to data backup, covered entities must be able to function in emergency conditions. For healthcare providers, it is highly beneficial to select a cloud designed to perform various functions to cover issues, such as data breaches, disaster recovery, and business continuity.

In short, the cloud is a perfect way to cover various features of HIPAA; however, it cannot deal with all aspects of data protection. For some people, HIPAA is more than a mess. In reality, it is nothing more than a set of safekeeping standards. For MSPs and VARs, it is essential to have in-depth knowledge of HIPAA before giving invincible service to the healthcare industry.

Malware: One of the Common Reasons of IT Disaster

There are different types of IT disasters. One of the reasons of downtime is substandard system strategies to defend against malicious software, which is widely known with its abbreviated word malware. It is designed to attack computer systems. Users are usually unaware of malware in their system. If effective strategies for data protection are not used, business discontinuity and data loss can result.

Initially, malware was just a gag and a risk-free prank; however, it changed into serious threats with the beginning of online banking, e-commerce, and the Internet. Malware are developed to achieve specific goals. For instance, key logger malware is just like a spyware that keeps the record of key strokes to get an idea of password, username and off the record information.

Malware Statistics
It is not possible to define how many times malware occurs. A security expert has exposed through an AV-Test report* that uncovering of malware is increased more than 72 percent in one year. Through this report, it is noted 390,000 malware are registered each and every day.**

Some of the malware have gained worldwide popularity, due to certain goals and functions. Trojan is considered as common malware that attacks on data security system. Appearance of Trojan is appealing and useful just like mythical Trojan horse. In reality, it is infectious trespasser that gives way to other threats to enter in the system.

Causes of Malware
There are many causes which give way to malicious software but most common of them is user blunders. Some of the causes are as follows:

Email Attachment – When email system is manipulated, viruses get way to spread quickly. Once malevolent attachment is opened by a user, it damages the system, and forwards to all in contact list. If data protection system is not enabled, such threats will spoil your business reputation.

Infected Websites – Another source of malware is friendly looking website. When such websites are clicked, thousands of ads on system screen pop up.

Outmoded Software – Usually users ignore software update request at regular intervals. For invincible data security system, it is obligatory to use patched software. Old software is more prone to security threats and susceptibility. Malware developers focus on un-patched software to get some way to exploit system. When industry compliance is involved, the cost of un-patched software can be a staggering amount.

Sharing of Files – Sharing of files is one of the great threats to secured data. Unchained right of entry is given to malware, which often results in identity theft, fraud and sluggish network.

Precautionary Measures

Update your Software – Enhance the security features of your system by continually updating software. Always use some security based software to fix such issues.

Do not Open Email Attachments – For data security, do not ever try to open an attachment when you do not know the sender. In case, the person is in your contact list, always confirm from the sender before opening the attachment.

Careful Web Surfing – Do not click on each link which has some shady news.

Malware is an alarming threat for small, medium, and large enterprise companies. When data protection features are updated and users are trained how to work online, data can be prevented from security threats.

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Role of Cloud Backup Services in Disaster Recovery

Regardless of using external hard drives, USBs or cloud backup system to protect your data, more than 60% companies have lost valuable data. Usually, companies select either local backup or cloud system for data storage. You might have implemented both local and cloud based strategies to provide an ultimate solution. As a cloud backup company, it is in our interest to make customers aware of risks and benefits of data recovery plans. Small businesses and big enterprises must understand that system crashes directly affect on their business.

When system is down, it is ridiculous to imagine productive results. In fact, companies pay for each and every hour that is wasted due to disaster. Businesses cannot overlook disaster recovery plan, as a minute of downtime reduces the amount of profit. This downtime spoils company’s reputation. As a business, you need to get professionals to help you plan for your data. Let us find out factors which can lead towards debacle. When system stops working, our plans help in recovering data and running things in systematic manner. Within a short time span, employees can return to their routine operations. In order to avoid data loss in the future, selection of an effective recovery method is necessary.

Valuable data of companies is exposed to blunders, hackers and infections round the clock. It is auspicious that technology has given a solution in form of cloud backup and local environment. If you select our services — powered by Asigra — we give value to local level storage, as well as cloud based storage.

Cloud as Catastrophe Proofing

Backup in cloud form assists businesses in several ways. It supports operation and software distribution. It can be used for deploying services, infrastructure constituents and operating systems. Cloud offers flexible and convenient way of storing data that is the reason it is ranked as dependable source of business continuity.
If your business is struck by a disaster (theft, virus, fire), cloud backup works just like insurance policy that is responsible to recuperate your treasure. It is directly linked with virtualization so companies can restore backups on virtual machines. If your business needs to devolve routine responsibilities and pay attention on productivity issues, consult with professionals for disaster recovery program.

Cloud Friendly Hassle-free Solution

When cloud solutions are offered to customers, it is part of our job to inform them about local backup. No doubt, cloud is robust and amazing technology; however systematic strategy is needed to get benefit backup regimen.

Localize and Routine Data Storage

For disaster recovery, make sure that data which is backed up in the cloud is also stored within the company locally. An effective disaster plan means to use maximum sources to retrieve data. Use of software tools and cloud do not give justification for not saving data locally.

Organized Data

Usually, small companies neglect to organize their data when all information is backed up in backup cloud. In fact, categorization enhances visibility option and makes it easy to check what type of data has been backed up, what should be added, and where important files are stored?

Are You SaaS Ready?

Experts state glibly: “SaaS is ready for you, even if you are not yet ready for SaaS!” But, what does “being ready for SaaS” imply? More important “What is SaaS?” Let us answer the second question first.

SaaS is the abbreviation for “Software as a Service”. SaaS service providers deploy industry specific or generic web browser based applications on a subscription basis, over the Internet, to multiple enterprises or employees within an enterprise using shared public/private/hybrid cloud architectures.

SaaS readiness enforces due diligence for functional fit and data strategy. It highlights support requirements and draws attention to economics of the cloud. It is evident that SaaS readiness has a potential to transform thinking on information technology and to create a service centric approach to computing within the organisation.

Functional fit due diligence begins with an understanding that SaaS applications are built on generic business concepts and the process of getting the business SaaS ready presupposes that the business processes will be subsumed to generic pre-defined processes albeit compromises. However, the SaaS typicality can be cost effective and process standardisation may bring in reshape the experience curve for the enterprise. The opportunity cost of using enterprise expertise elsewhere may far outweigh the cost of employing them in designing on premise, differentiated applications.

Due diligence for data fit ensures that the criticality of data conversions and system interfaces are not underestimated. Getting ready for SaaS may involve getting the enterprise familiar with unfamiliar challenges. SaaS tools are typically Wizards that guide the user through a task and are generic constructs. Extraction, transformation and load options may be limited and overnight conversions may present difficulties that are associated with bandwidth availabilities. However, if the enterprise is looking for integrative processes, SaaS tools are most suitable. They blend with diverse systems such as Oracle and SAP or heavy duty enterprise resource planning software.

SaaS readiness acknowledges that the benefits of SaaS are important for the organisation growth strategy. IT infrastructure abstraction is not the only reason. The enterprise can now shift the risk of software acquisition and convert IT from a reactive cost centre to a value generating catalyst of growth. They can take advantage of SaaS Continuum in exchange for a small fee that can be budgeted for as operating expenses rather than as capital investments with long run implications. It is a decision point where political, technological, financial and legal considerations come together for the betterment of the organisation.

Our Customers

  • ATOS
  • Age UK
  • Alliance Pharma
  • Liverpool Football Club
  • CSC
  • Centrica
  • Citizens Advice
  • City of London
  • Fujitsu
  • Government Offices
  • HCL
  • LK Bennett
  • Lambretta Clothing
  • Leicester City
  • Lloyds Register
  • Logica
  • Meadowvale
  • National Farmers Union
  • Network Rail
  • PKR

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